Spune-mi, cand ma vezi
De ce-ti aduc aminte?
De ochi caprui, de campuri verzi,
Sau poate de o mare de morminte?
Spune-mi, cand pielea imi atingi,
Ce gand te infioara?
Sau poate simti, si-ncepi sa strigi
Ca dorul te omoara.
Si spune-mi, parul cand mi-l vezi,
Ce gand iti mai aduce?
E un chin ce vine des,
Se-ntoarce si se duce.
Si spune-mi, si te implor de asta data,
Cand ma saruti, ce ganduri iti mai vin?
Dar risc, sa te mai rog inca o data,
Adu-ti aminte de pelin.
~ dar mai bine sa nu`mi spui nimic...
marți, 30 decembrie 2008
luni, 29 decembrie 2008
nu vreau nimic..
Sunt aici, de cateva ore bune. Intepenita pe canapea, nu mai respir decat parfumul tau. Aici nu e nimic nou, nimic care sa-mi mai aduca aminte de tine asa cum erai. Nu mai sunt lacrimi, nu mai e durere, nu mai e nimic. Nu-mi mai doresc nimic altceva decat pace, sau o lovitura puternica la cap, sa stearga tot ce-a fost. Nu-mi mai doresc sarutari fierbinti si nici nu mai vreau sa ma furnice pielea cand esti langa mine, nu. Vreau doar sa-nchid ochii si sa nu mai vad nimic, sa nu-ti mai vad ochii.
marți, 16 decembrie 2008
Desi avem totul...
Ieri, 15 decembrie 2008, am fost sa impart cadouri la copiii cu nevoi speciale. Fiind sefa clasei, am fost anuntata vineri ca trebuie sa particip si eu la acest proiect. Sincer, habar n-aveam despre ce era vorba, dar am preferat sa merg pentru a scapa de cateva ore extrem de enervante. Asa ca, dimineata, la ora 9, eram prezente eu si Madalina in fata la corpul A pentru intalnirea cu ceilalti. Am ramas uimita atunci cand am vazut cat de multi elevi erau. M-am plimbat si eu dupa Andreea de la A si am ajuns in biblioteca. Erau o gramada de cadouri care trebuiau duse la copii. Problema? Transport. Ma gandeam cum o sa ajungem intregi cu cadourile pana la liceul 4 (care habar n-aveam pe unde se afla) cand, stupoare, aveam autocar care ne astepta.
M-am urcat fara tragere de inima si am fost incantata sa iau locul de la geam. Ninsoarea ma facea sa ma simt ca intr-o excursie si incepusem sa simt pentru prima data anul acesta ca vin sarbatorile. Noi am fost primul transport. Noi am fost primii care am simtit emotia de a fi acolo.
In timp ce caram cadourile de la autocar, cineva ne anunta sa nu ne speriem deoarece copiii vor fi foarte fericiti si vor avea diferite reactii. Incepea sa ma roada stomacul de emotie, dar ma consolam cu gandul ca nu avea sa fie foarte rau. Apoi, am intrat in sala de sport. Rasuna de tipete de fericire si de aplauze. Ma simteam incomod si nu aveam stare. Mi-era mila sa ma uit la ei, sa-i privesc. Ei ne sorbeau din priviri si erau mult prea fericiti. Faptul ca eram acolo, ca ne-am gandit la ei, le-a dat speranta. Le-am indulcit viata pentru o scurta (cred) perioada de timp.
Nelinistita, am inceput sa vorbesc cu Madalina si cu Luluta, care erau la fel de impresionate ca mine (lulu incepea sa planga). Apoi,, langa noi a aparut o fata de 16-17 ani. Era cam cat mine de inalta, dar foarte neingrijita. Prima data a facut cunostinta cu Mada, apoi cu Lulu si in final cu mine. O chema Laura (n-am reusit sa-i retin tot numele pentru ca se exprima cam greu). In ochii ei se citea timiditatea si o durere muta, dar si o curiozitate de copil care asteapta sa vina mosul (chiar astepta). M-am imprietenit cu ea repede, apoi si cu alti copii care aveau probleme ceva mai grave. Chiar m-au impresionat. As putea scrie multe pagini descriind numai sentimentele pe care le aveam cand vorbeam cu ei.
Nu cred ca ma gandisem vreo data pana ieri, cate avem noi si inca ne plangem. Nu m-am gandit ca in timp ce eu ma lamentez ca viata e prea grea ca sa o poti trai, altii sufera mai mult ca noi si nu se plang. Am realizat ca avem multe si ca nu ar trebui sa ne lamentam. Dar asa suntem noi, oamenii. Niciodata n-avem de-ajuns, chiar daca avem totul...
duminică, 14 decembrie 2008
Music I like...
Reamonn-Supergirl: And then she said, it's ok I got lost, on the way but I'm a supergirl, and supergirls don't cry" - it's the song that I listen when I'm sad or I'm crying, though, it never cheers me up.
Better than Ezra-Overcome: North light comes, uninvited through the window where you lie, disjointed, dust and silence, quite at a lost..." -well.. this is a song that I'll never forget. It's the song that reminds me of someone I loved, a person that I won't forget in my whole life.
The black ghosts-Full moon: "But I don't trust where I am, and I don't know who I've been, but if I come home how will I ever leave?..." this song it's one of my new "the song I love most this week" . I think I'll get over it. maybe because too many people started to watch twilight (that piss me off really)
Bryan Adams- Everything I do: "Don't tell me, it's not worth dying for, I can help it, that's nothing I want more, you know it's true, everything I do, I do it for you..." most of the time, this song makes me feel like a horrible monster. that's because the true meaning of the song reminds me that everything I've done, hurt the only person I really loved in this life (like a lover I mean).
Bryan Adams- Have you really loved a women: "When you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one..." well this song reminds me of my last birthday, when I was in "fidelio" with my boyfriend and we were looking for candles for my birthday cake. It was nice to hear it then.
Laleh- Live tomorrow: "I know we can live tomorrow, but I learned to live today..." this song reminds me of Elena, one of my best friends, she drove me crazy almost a month with this song. you see, she isn't the perfect singer, but I still love her and the song.
Better than ezra- at the stars: "Blame us cause we are, who we are, hate us cause you'll never get that far..." this song reminds me of Ana, one of my ex-best-friends, because we used to sing it together, I still have a comment on hi5 with those lyrics, though she can't see it.
3 doors down- kryptonite: "I took a walk around this world to ease my troubled mind, I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time..." well, this song is dedicated to Marina. This is for the nights that we were talking and I was going to sleep at 4-5 A.m.
Noha-Tu cafe: "Cuando tomes tu café toma tu café con caña que(Sólo la caña da el aroma)Cuando tomes tu café toma tu café con caña..." oh... this is bambuca... he used to sing it in our classroom.He really has a voice.. I think. I don't remember how it sounded when he was singing "Give a bit of hmm to me"....
Paramore- Decode: "How can i decide whats right? When your clouding up my mind, I cant win your losing fight, All the time. " Oana. She's totally and irrevocably in love with the song. I'm in love with everything that reminds me of twilight.
Travis-Love will come through: "So take me, don't leave me, take me, don't leave me, maybe love will come through, it's just waiting for you." La tiganci. It's the first thing I see in the front of my eyes when I think about this song.
Spit- Fallin': "How many words I say, just to convince myself, that you are not my man, only some kind of friend..." Oh, Lulutsa. When she hated me. When she loved him.
Better than Ezra-Overcome: North light comes, uninvited through the window where you lie, disjointed, dust and silence, quite at a lost..." -well.. this is a song that I'll never forget. It's the song that reminds me of someone I loved, a person that I won't forget in my whole life.
The black ghosts-Full moon: "But I don't trust where I am, and I don't know who I've been, but if I come home how will I ever leave?..." this song it's one of my new "the song I love most this week" . I think I'll get over it. maybe because too many people started to watch twilight (that piss me off really)
Bryan Adams- Everything I do: "Don't tell me, it's not worth dying for, I can help it, that's nothing I want more, you know it's true, everything I do, I do it for you..." most of the time, this song makes me feel like a horrible monster. that's because the true meaning of the song reminds me that everything I've done, hurt the only person I really loved in this life (like a lover I mean).
Bryan Adams- Have you really loved a women: "When you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one..." well this song reminds me of my last birthday, when I was in "fidelio" with my boyfriend and we were looking for candles for my birthday cake. It was nice to hear it then.
Laleh- Live tomorrow: "I know we can live tomorrow, but I learned to live today..." this song reminds me of Elena, one of my best friends, she drove me crazy almost a month with this song. you see, she isn't the perfect singer, but I still love her and the song.
Better than ezra- at the stars: "Blame us cause we are, who we are, hate us cause you'll never get that far..." this song reminds me of Ana, one of my ex-best-friends, because we used to sing it together, I still have a comment on hi5 with those lyrics, though she can't see it.
3 doors down- kryptonite: "I took a walk around this world to ease my troubled mind, I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time..." well, this song is dedicated to Marina. This is for the nights that we were talking and I was going to sleep at 4-5 A.m.
Noha-Tu cafe: "Cuando tomes tu café toma tu café con caña que(Sólo la caña da el aroma)Cuando tomes tu café toma tu café con caña..." oh... this is bambuca... he used to sing it in our classroom.He really has a voice.. I think. I don't remember how it sounded when he was singing "Give a bit of hmm to me"....
Paramore- Decode: "How can i decide whats right? When your clouding up my mind, I cant win your losing fight, All the time. " Oana. She's totally and irrevocably in love with the song. I'm in love with everything that reminds me of twilight.
Travis-Love will come through: "So take me, don't leave me, take me, don't leave me, maybe love will come through, it's just waiting for you." La tiganci. It's the first thing I see in the front of my eyes when I think about this song.
Spit- Fallin': "How many words I say, just to convince myself, that you are not my man, only some kind of friend..." Oh, Lulutsa. When she hated me. When she loved him.
Pussycat Dolls- When I grow up: "when I grow up, I wanna be a star, I wanna be famous.."
Totally Bya. I don't know if that's what she wants from her life, but the song is perfect for her.
Ok. it's too much for tonight. Maybe tomorrow I'll finish my list.
Sunt atatea zile de cand imi doresc ceva nou. Defapt, imi doresc sa simt ceva. Nu conteaza ce, conteaza doar daca am sa primesc vreo data ce vreau. Vreau printi, care sa ma faca sa visez, vreau sa ma tina cineva de mana si sa ma topesc, da, sa mi se taie respiratia cand ma saruta. Vreau pe cineva care sa nu fi uitat cum e sa ma tina in brate, vreau sa fie acolo fara sa ma lase sa ii simt prezenta. Vreau sa ma iubeasca, si sa stie unde imi place sa fiu atinsa si unde nu. Vreau sa-mi sopteasca la ureche cantecele care ii plac si il fac pe el sa viseze. Vreau sa-si treaca mana prin parul meu si sa respire prin si pentru mine. Vreau sa fie al meu, vreau sa fie...
------------------------------------------Dar stiu ca nimic din toate astea nu vor fi, nu pana nu ai sa te intorci tu... ----------------------------------------------------------
Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
and needy
Warm me up
And breathe me.
vineri, 5 decembrie 2008
Breathe for me again...
Nu m-am simtit niciodata foare apropiata de Bijghir, asa cum nu m-am simtit foarte apropiata de mamaia si de credintele ei, sau de tataia. Nu imi placea sa ma duc acolo si sa stau prea mult deoarece era mamaia care ma punea sa ma rog minute in sir, momente in care sincer imi doream foare mult sa dorm. Ma punea sa merg si la biserica si asta ma scotea din minti, dar eram prea mica sa comentez. Avea propriile reguli (si inca le are) si e un pic mai rigida. Nu-si arata niciodata sentimenele si ma priveste tot ca pe un copil.
Tataia, era altfel. In ciuda faptului ca nu-mi placea sa merg la el pentru ca se plangea mereu ca "Mor, mor", il iubeam pentru ca ma lua intotdeauna cu el la magazin si-mi dadea bomboane sau suc si la randul lui ma iubea pentru ca eram cea mai mica din nepoti. Mergeam cu el de brat si il ajutam sa se sprijine (avea probleme cu picioarele). El se oprea la barul ala unde mirosea tot timpul a tigara si unde aveau sa ma cunoasca toti mosnegii betivani ai satului. Stateam cuminte si il asteptam pana cumpara ce avea de luat, apoi ne intorceam agale la casa.
Avea o pasiune nebuna pentru pisici (si animale in general) si era mereu inconjurat de vreo 2-3 mate care stateau cu el pe pat.
Apoi, am crescut. Mi-a scazut interesul pentru bunici si am incetat sa merg pe la ei. Defapt... faptul ca tataia era mai mereu bolnav nu ma facea sa ma simt prea bine, pentru ca nu-mi placea sa-l vad in starea aia. Mereu plangea ca ne vedea pe acolo si la vremea aia nu intelegeam de ce.
Era o fire vesela si mereu pus pe sotii... ma surprindea taria lui de caracter atunci cand era la un pas de moarte. Inca visa la "fetite" si mereu ne facea sa radem.
Dar vara asta s-a intamplat ceva mult prea rau. Habar n-aveam cat sa mai tina, dar suferea si faptul ca se chinuia atat imi rupea inima. Il vedeam cum se chinuie (in ultima zi) si cum ne privea pe toti. Atunci cred ca am inteles cu adevarat de ce plangea cand eram toti. Stia ca o sa ajunga la ziua in care i se va intampla asta.
Si s-a intamplat. Data, 23 august 2008, ora 12 noaptea. Si am sa-mi aduc aminte toata viata de ziua aia. Am sa-mi aduc aminte de "Overcome" si de cat am plans.
De-atunci... am realizat ca il iubeam mult de tot. Am realizat ca in sufletul meu a ramas un loc pustiu si ca el n-o sa se mai umple niciodata. De-atunci nu mai este zi in care sa nu ma gandesc la el. Acum am realizat ca e pustiu pe la ei. Si ca mi-e dor de el chiar daca ar fi stat in pat. Mi-e pur si simplu dor.
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